Aino-Kaisa Manninen

Green city council member from Oulu

Aino-Kaisa Manninen

Green city council member from Oulu
Candidate for Oulu City Council 2021

Candidate for Oulu City Council 2021

I am running for the Oulu City Council in April 2021! I am honored to be nominated as a green candidate for municipal elections in Oulu. All candidates by this date can be read here. I want to make Oulu a more sustainable and pleasant place to live, and fight against...

Oulu – a city for children and the young

Oulu – a city for children and the young

I had the chance to be a panelist in an event organized by the Oulu youth council (Oulun Nuorten Valtuusto). Here in brief some of the issues that came up during the discussion and my thoughts on how Oulu can become a better city for children and the young. A more...

How can Oulu fight climate change?

How can Oulu fight climate change?

I stand as a candidate in the municipal elections so that I could take part in making Oulu a climate neutral city. Municipalities can fight climate change by improving energy efficiency, investing in emission-free energy sources, and taking climate issues into account in city planning, traffic planning and public acquisitions

How can Oulu promote human rights?

How can Oulu promote human rights?

Oulu needs to lead the way in promoting equality as a city. The policy-makers of Oulu have to set an example in openness and equality of actions. They need to strongly and publicly object to racism and hate speech.