I stand as a candidate of the Green party in the municipal elections 2017 in Oulu. If you wish to support my campaign, here are various ways to show your support. All support is welcome!
- Vote for 344. The election day is Sunday 9th April but you can also vote in advance: Rhe advance voting period is between 29th March and 4th April in Finland, and abroad between 29th March and 1st April. Check here on the infographic below whether you are eligible to vote. More information on the municipal elections and voting in Finland in English and in various other languages here.
- Join my campaign team. You can help in many different ways starting from making coffee and giving out flyers to proofreading and designing campaign adverts. Message me on Facebook or send email to aino-kaisa.manninen@vihreat.fi.
- Make a donation. Printing campaign flyers and advertising require funds. I have approximately 800 euros own money for campaigning. You can read my campaign funding and costs here (unfortunately, the page is in Finnish only). Green candidates do not have companies or notable organizations to back them up, so donations from private citizens have a significant role in fundraising. Even small donations are of big help. All the extra money I will use for advertaising on Google and on Facebook. You can donate for my campaign here: lahjoita.vihreat.fi/aino-kaisa.manninen (unfortunately, the page is in Finnish only)
- Follow me in social media, share my posts, or endorse me as a candidate. Finding the right candidate to vote for can be a difficult task, and recommendations from friends and acquaintances are important for a successful campaign, as well. You can support me by liking, commenting on, and sharing my posts and texts in Facebook or in Twitter. As the election day gets closer, endorsing me as a candidate face-to-face or in social media has a great impact for the campaign.
Thank you for showing your support!